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Pallottine Ministry

Service Guidelines

Service Guidelines 2021-2022 
All Bishop Eustace students are responsible for performing Pallottine Ministry service, direct service, each quarter of the school year. By direct service we mean our students MUST be directly serving those in need.
Freshmen are asked to serve others within the Bishop Eustace Preparatory School community.  This includes helping teachers, Parents’ Association, administrative, athletic, and maintenance staff, book store, school functions, etc. A project totaling hours must be completed each quarter. A total of 8 for the year.
Sophomores are asked to serve others within their local faith or local community. Sophomores may also participate in opportunities posted on MobileServe or sent through email. A project(s) totaling at least 4 hours in length is to be completed each quarter. A total of 16 for the year.  Students MUST have direct contact with those they serve. This means helping someone directly, not donating (unless authorized), or making casseroles etc. Our emphasis is on the personal connection our students form when helping those in need. 
Juniors are asked to serve those in extraordinary need. At Eustace Prep we interpret this to mean “the direct provision of a basic human good to people in extraordinary need.”  Basic human goods include food, shelter, education, and care and companionship to the elderly, confined, mentally or physically challenged, sick, and dying.  A project(s) totaling 6 hours must be completed each quarter. A total of 24 hours for the year.   Juniors are to work directly with those in need. It is the time spent with those in need that is the focus. 
Seniors are required to make a weekly commitment at ONE organization to serve those in extraordinary need. Seniors may not work with animals or sports unless directly related to people with disabilities, special needs or poverty situations. Seniors are expected to honor your service commitment for the entire academic year.  You may not switch service sites unless approved by Mrs. Carlin. Any senior who is sick and cannot attend service, must call the site supervisor and let him/her know. If possible, all missed service must be made up at the service site.  Seniors must inform the Director of Pallottine Ministry when service is missed, and of the arrangements to make up the service time. 
  • Each student will receive a service grade of satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”,  or “outstanding” on their report cards.  This assessment will be marked on his/her report card for the corresponding quarter.   
  • A student who does not perform the required service, does not electronically record their hours, and does not have their service verified log by the defined deadline, or does not behave in an appropriate manner will receive an “unsatisfactory” grade.    
  • As outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook, any student who receives an “unsatisfactory” grade will be INELIGIBLE to participate in co-curricular activities. This includes all organizations, clubs, inter-scholastic and intramural sports.  
  • If a student receives “unsatisfactory” the student must make up double the amount of service during the following quarter plus complete that quarter’s service.  For example, if a junior receives an “unsatisfactory” grade for 2nd quarter, he/she must complete twelve hours of service to make up the “unsatisfactory” and six hours of service for the 3rd quarter.  This means that the student must complete eighteen hours of service during the 3rd quarter.
  • If the student makes up the service, his/her “unsatisfactory” grade will be changed to a “satisfactory” grade at the end of that marking period in which the service was completed.  
  • All “unsatisfactory” grades must be resolved by the end of the academic school year or the student will not be permitted to return to Bishop Eustace. Any senior student who does not fulfill his/her service requirement will not graduate.
  • Students are to respect the privacy of those people who they serve.  Students are not permitted to photograph, take video, or record.  This policy extends to clients, residents, employees, volunteers and visitors of the service site.
  • Students are to respect the dignity and rights of those people who they serve. Negative statements or actions including verbal, written or physical conduct related to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability or age will NOT be tolerated.   
  • Students performing service both on and off campus are reminded that they represent Bishop Eustace Preparatory School.  Any student whose conduct is deemed improper will meet with the Principal. 
  • All students are asked to log their service on MobileServe.  MobileServe is an online platform that allows students to track their service hours, sign up for service opportunities, attach photos, and build a resume of all their volunteer work. Students must obtain a supervisor’s name, email and signature at the time that the service is performed. 
Bishop Eustace Preparatory School is a Catholic co-educational, private high school located in Pennsauken, New Jersey. Dedicated to fostering inner strength in young men and women, we are proud to be frequently selected as one of the best private, Catholic schools in New Jersey.
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